Table of contents
I have assumed that before starting this series to learn Machine learning you know some basics of any programming language, if you know that then the rest will be a lot easy.
You will learn python in no time.
Basic python commands
The print function
print("Hello I am Learning ML") print(8+2) #printing number directly
Basic Data Types
#1. int type(8) #2. float type(8.3) #3.str type("english")
Constant and Variables
#assing a value in a variable named language language = "Python" print(language) #it can be reassigned language = "JavaScript" print(language)
Input Function
number_1 = int(input("Enter the first number : ")) number_2 = int(input("Enter the second number : ")) sum = number_1 + number_2 print(sum) #We can also change datatype of a variable num = 5 print(float(num)) #prints 5.0
In the next article, we will look into some basic data types in python.
Thanks for reading, Have a nice day ahead.